About Sand Springs Valley
841+ Acres, 2540 AFA Water Rights Permits. Lincoln Estates is currently zoned mixed use, commercial, industrial, and single family. The northern portion is .5+ acre parcels, the center portion is 1+ acre parcels, the southern portion is 2+ acre parcels. This is an opportunity to build recreational housing. Lincoln County has 6 of Nevada's 12 State Parks. Lincoln County is 10,000 square miles, only 2% is privately owned. The 98% federal lands are open for recreational use. Lincoln Estates is located north of Rachel, NV. Rachel has a restaurant/bar/motel and gas station. The town is located at the southern end of the Sand Springs Valley, a bowl-shaped valley about twenty-five miles wide. The valley has mountain views in every direction. In and around this little town, alfalfa is grown and cattle are raised. Western history buffs may want to explore the mountains surrounding Rachel. Inquire locally for directions – the friendly folks at Rachel invite everyone to explore.